6KB – A Wiimote Mystery

WanglesEver since the article about the “dirty details” of the Wiimote surfaced, there has been much speculation on the 6KB of ‘non-volatile’ memory included in each controller. Most people have dismissed the feature as storage space for the internal speaker or a place to keep Wiimote-specific settings. Others have had more creative ideas on the matter.

One such idea comes from Press The Buttons, an online video game website. They suggest that the 6KB could serve as a storing place for user identification, such as your name and initials, and video game saves, such as unlocked characters and levels.

Although such amounts of data being placed in a 6KB may seem a little far-fetched, it is somewhat logical. The article explains how the “actual levels or characters themselves” wouldn’t be stored, but “flags that notify the Wii [of unlocked content]” would. This system would be ideal for making your saved games more mobile between systems.

Hopefully the secrets of the 6KB will be revealed soon so all this speculation would end. Before you know it, rumors of holographic projectors being stored in the memory will start!

WanglesEver since the article about the “dirty details” of the Wiimote surfaced, there has been much speculation on the 6KB of ‘non-volatile’ memory included in each controller. Most people have dismissed the feature as storage space for the internal speaker or a place to keep Wiimote-specific settings. Others have had more creative ideas on the matter.

One such idea comes from Press The Buttons, an online video game website. They suggest that the 6KB could serve as a storing place for user identification, such as your name and initials, and video game saves, such as unlocked characters and levels.

Although such amounts of data being placed in a 6KB may seem a little far-fetched, it is somewhat logical. The article explains how the “actual levels or characters themselves” wouldn’t be stored, but “flags that notify the Wii [of unlocked content]” would. This system would be ideal for making your saved games more mobile between systems.

Hopefully the secrets of the 6KB will be revealed soon so all this speculation would end. Before you know it, rumors of holographic projectors being stored in the memory will start!

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