Analyst Evan Wilson: Video games only have a few months to succeed

Analyst Evan Wilson: Video games only have a few months to succeed - Image 1Curious to know why there are games that seem to live on forever while others just die out after its initial release? Well, time is a big factor. According to analyst Evan Wilson, it seems that video games only have a few months to make a good impression in order to succeed. Details can be found in the full article.

Analyst Evan Wilson: Video games only have a few months to succeed - Image 1There’s been news that video games are more popular than sex for people in the UK. Just what makes video games popular and successful in the market?

Well, you could consider its gameplay, story, music, and a whole lot more. Even with all of those factors put into the equation, one analyst believes time plays a vital role. According to Pacific Crest Securities’ senior research analyst Evan Wilson, time could either make or break a video game that’s just been released into the market.

According to Wilson, video games only have a limited time to succeed. He explained this, saying that the average game has only “a few months” before the industry moves on.

With countless games being released on a yearly basis, this statement could probably serve as a reason why some games reach the top and others don’t. As the gaming industry moves forward, it’s really difficult for video games to stay with the flow and rise above the competition.

Via MTV’s Multiplayer Blog

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