Black Box goes bye: Half-Life 2 sticks to Orange Box package

Bye Bye, Black Box! - Image 1It’s time to say “Bye bye!” to the Black Box. A new report on IGN mentions that instead of Half-Life 2 getting two different box sets for the release of HL2: Episode Two, it will only get one.

The Black Box package, which would have included Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal, has been canceled, according to a recent statement by Doug Lombardi, Valve Corporation‘s Marketing Director. Instead, the only package that the PC will see is the Orange Box version, which will carry the Black Box contents as well as copies of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One.

There is some bright side to this, however. If you already own copies of the earlier games, you can always give the earlier games to other people as a gift. Here’s how Lombardi explains it:

Those who purchase the PC version of The Orange Box will get three separate Steam product codes: One for the three new games, one for HL2, and one for Episode One. This way a PC Orange Box owner can give away their Half-Life 2 or Episode One unused Steam product codes if they don’t need a copy of those games.

Not exactly the best reason to pay more for one game, but the gift factor happens to be a nice spin on things, at least.

Bye Bye, Black Box! - Image 1It’s time to say “Bye bye!” to the Black Box. A new report on IGN mentions that instead of Half-Life 2 getting two different box sets for the release of HL2: Episode Two, it will only get one.

The Black Box package, which would have included Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal, has been canceled, according to a recent statement by Doug Lombardi, Valve Corporation‘s Marketing Director. Instead, the only package that the PC will see is the Orange Box version, which will carry the Black Box contents as well as copies of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One.

There is some bright side to this, however. If you already own copies of the earlier games, you can always give the earlier games to other people as a gift. Here’s how Lombardi explains it:

Those who purchase the PC version of The Orange Box will get three separate Steam product codes: One for the three new games, one for HL2, and one for Episode One. This way a PC Orange Box owner can give away their Half-Life 2 or Episode One unused Steam product codes if they don’t need a copy of those games.

Not exactly the best reason to pay more for one game, but the gift factor happens to be a nice spin on things, at least.

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