Broken Wiimote straps: Reinforcement has arrived

Instead of Wiinsulting people, why not do this instead?! - Image 1 Instead of Wiinsulting people, why not do this instead?! - Image 2 

Ever since we posted the first casualty of Wiimote-in-flight, a couple of new words have entered the lexicon as of late: “Wiitard” and “Wiidiot.” Yes, sometimes it feels like half the comments in these articles keep insisting – and with very good reason – that there’s no reason for these people to swing the Wiimote so hard, or to let go of it altogether.

But it happens. Between the passion of the game, the sweaty palms, hyperactive children, and a legion of Wii owners who are not gamers – and thus not used to sitting on their lazy bums while playing games – it happens. We’re not going to blame the Wiimote strap, but it definitely could use some reinforcement.

So, rather than blame anyone, someone decided to do the smart thing and reinforce the Wiimote strap with fishing line. And we smack ourselves in the head and go, Why didn’t we think of that before? Surely, a line that’s designed to tug at and haul up big ocean-going game fish will at least buy an additional measure of safety for the Wiimote strap.

It’s not meant to be a permanent fix, mind you. And since fishing lines do snap in the middle of a heated battle with wahoo, they may also snap in a fierce battle with Ganondorf, some Yakuza, or tenpins. And it’s still no substitute for not letting go of the Wiimote in the first place. But sh*t happens, and people buy life and car and home insurance, right?

At least it’s constructive advice, rather than calling people Wiinsulting names. Click on the source link for instructions on how to reinforce your Wiimote strap with fishing line.

Thanks for sending this in, badam!

Instead of Wiinsulting people, why not do this instead?! - Image 1 Instead of Wiinsulting people, why not do this instead?! - Image 2 

Ever since we posted the first casualty of Wiimote-in-flight, a couple of new words have entered the lexicon as of late: “Wiitard” and “Wiidiot.” Yes, sometimes it feels like half the comments in these articles keep insisting – and with very good reason – that there’s no reason for these people to swing the Wiimote so hard, or to let go of it altogether.

But it happens. Between the passion of the game, the sweaty palms, hyperactive children, and a legion of Wii owners who are not gamers – and thus not used to sitting on their lazy bums while playing games – it happens. We’re not going to blame the Wiimote strap, but it definitely could use some reinforcement.

So, rather than blame anyone, someone decided to do the smart thing and reinforce the Wiimote strap with fishing line. And we smack ourselves in the head and go, Why didn’t we think of that before? Surely, a line that’s designed to tug at and haul up big ocean-going game fish will at least buy an additional measure of safety for the Wiimote strap.

It’s not meant to be a permanent fix, mind you. And since fishing lines do snap in the middle of a heated battle with wahoo, they may also snap in a fierce battle with Ganondorf, some Yakuza, or tenpins. And it’s still no substitute for not letting go of the Wiimote in the first place. But sh*t happens, and people buy life and car and home insurance, right?

At least it’s constructive advice, rather than calling people Wiinsulting names. Click on the source link for instructions on how to reinforce your Wiimote strap with fishing line.

Thanks for sending this in, badam!

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