Dark Age of Camelot grab bag

Mythic entertainment has put togeather another fine “grab bag” release. For those of you who are unaware of what the grab bag has to offer, it is a great compilation of answers to some commonly asked questions. Definitely a must read if you are a DAoC player! Read more at the “Full Article” link below.


Q: What classes are getting their turn in 1.83?

A: The list isn’t final. No, really. We just added a person to the Camelot team, and we may be able to get more classes done this patch than we thought. I hope you understand that I don’t want to say until I’m positive. Hell hath no fury like a team lead scorned.



Q: Do the realm abilities “Wild Healing” and “Mastery of Healing” affect the friar staff styles that proc a group heal? Do they affect the castable offensive and defensive group proc heals?


A: Yes to both, sayeth our designer in charge as well as the lead Camelot tester.


Mythic entertainment has put togeather another fine “grab bag” release. For those of you who are unaware of what the grab bag has to offer, it is a great compilation of answers to some commonly asked questions. Definitely a must read if you are a DAoC player!


Q: What classes are getting their turn in 1.83?

A: The list isn’t final. No, really. We just added a person to the Camelot team, and we may be able to get more classes done this patch than we thought. I hope you understand that I don’t want to say until I’m positive. Hell hath no fury like a team lead scorned.



Q: Do the realm abilities “Wild Healing” and “Mastery of Healing” affect the friar staff styles that proc a group heal? Do they affect the castable offensive and defensive group proc heals?


A: Yes to both, sayeth our designer in charge as well as the lead Camelot tester.



Q: Last night we took a good size group out and did arts.  One art we did was Jacina’s Sash.  Previously I have done this encounter and gotten credit for it on a level 41.  Last night a few people in the bg did not get credit.  We checked to be sure there wasn’t anyone outside of the bg when we killed it and that they were all in range to get credit.  The last thing we came to was level for credit.  Some were only level 40, so that was understandable, but a level 45 did not get credit.  Has there been some stealth changes to what level you have to be to get credit?  If not, is there some other reason we’d not get credit?


A: No stealth change, but a patch noted change. Here’s the Content Queen: “This was changed for version 1.82 “Cyrek will now grant encounter credit only to players who are eligible for the Jacina’s Sash encounter.”  Players were previously able to receive encounter credit before they should have been able to activate the artifact. However, we mistakenly set the level requirement to 46 instead of level 45 and it will be fixed in the next version.


Wince. I apologize, guys. If you’re level 45, skip these raids until April, when the next version will go live.



Q: Hiya! Is there a link that tells what Memories of War and Scars of Battle does for a hero? The race/class link on the Herald does not show these under abilities for the hero. Thanks 🙂


A: We’ll get this onto the documentation ASAP, and in the meantime: According to Zimm, our resident man of class, the answer is “Memories of War gives a hero an innate resist bonus to magical damage, which scales up to 15% from level 40-50. Scars of Battle gives an innate 10% hit point increase.”



Q: What is the realm breakdown percentage of toons that are played by Mythic employees?


A: Even, or close enough as makes no nevermind as they say down South – 32% Mid, 36% Hib, 34% Alb. The percentages change if you’re counting characters and not human beings.



Q: WRU 1.83A?


A: Next Thursday is the NEW plan. What’d I tell you about you guys knocking on wood to counteract my mighty jinxing powers?



Q: I run a fansite that I support with Google ads. Are the ads for, shall we say, third party services going to get me in trouble?


A: I wouldn’t dream of blaming you for the way some leeches have learned to manipulate Google. 


Q: Hello, I have a question about Mastery of Focus: If a level 45 spell caster casts a level 41 spell with MoF II (+9), is the spell cast, (for resistance purposes), as a level 45 spell or a level 50 spell? Also, do Focus Bonuses on items like staffs and staves have the same effect as Mastery of Focus?


A: From the Man of Class: “Item bonuses, no.


“The RA MoF will boost that level 41 to 50 purely for resistance purposes. If a level 45 spell is cast it will boost it to 50, the cap for MoF bonuses.”

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