Exclusive titles count at the next-gen console wars

X360 games  - Image 1 

Everybody knows that the console wars include the number of exclusive titles each console has. Gaming Target decides to keep count. Who’s winning the race so far? First, here are the rules:

1. Titles must be “console exclusives”.
2. No downloadable games and content packs.
3. No next-gen exclusive
4. No “fantasy games” – those that weren’t formally announced.

Given these rules, here are the latest scores as of March 2007. In the lead is the Xbox 360, with 80 titles, 33 released and 47 unreleased. Following this is the Nintendo Wii of 53 titles, 13 released and 38 unreleased, and finally, the PS3 with 39 titles, 9 released and 30 unreleased.

Microsoft‘s “first out of the gate” mentality obtains it the top spot at the exclusive titles count. Successfully courting Japanese developers, as well as swaying the multiplatform-minded third party game makers to create more content exclusives for the 360 also helped.

The Wii is no sloucher, either, wrangling several exclusives from Ubisoft, Sega, Konami, and even Electronic Arts.

Via Gaming Target

X360 games  - Image 1 

Everybody knows that the console wars include the number of exclusive titles each console has. Gaming Target decides to keep count. Who’s winning the race so far? First, here are the rules:

1. Titles must be “console exclusives”.
2. No downloadable games and content packs.
3. No next-gen exclusive
4. No “fantasy games” – those that weren’t formally announced.

Given these rules, here are the latest scores as of March 2007. In the lead is the Xbox 360, with 80 titles, 33 released and 47 unreleased. Following this is the Nintendo Wii of 53 titles, 13 released and 38 unreleased, and finally, the PS3 with 39 titles, 9 released and 30 unreleased.

Microsoft‘s “first out of the gate” mentality obtains it the top spot at the exclusive titles count. Successfully courting Japanese developers, as well as swaying the multiplatform-minded third party game makers to create more content exclusives for the 360 also helped.

The Wii is no sloucher, either, wrangling several exclusives from Ubisoft, Sega, Konami, and even Electronic Arts.

Via Gaming Target

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