FCC site indicates slated tweaks in PSP specs

PSP - Image 1In a recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) site post, it was revealed that there has been a notice from Sony that they intend to tweak the PSP’s specifications. What changes are in store? Does Sony have intentions of being specific about this? Tell us your take on it when you’re done reading the full article.

FCC - Image 1According to a recent post on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) site, there seems to be some modifications being planned by Sony for its PlayStation Portable handheld.

Changes have been requested for the FCC listed AK8PSP2001 – an ID given by the FCC for the PSP-2001 model – but it looks like Sony wants to do this whole thing rather quietly.

“We change parts other than a wireless module,” reads Sony’s statement to the FCC. “This is not to cause any modification to the mentioned electric characteristics and RF characteristics.”

Sony clearly wants to be as discreet as possible about whatever changes may be made with the PSP’s specifications. Checking out the related documents (you can do so yourself by click the Via link below) doesn’t seem to shed some light on much anything, but online speculation pegs these changes as something that could relate to anything, from batteries to Wi-Fi to radio functions. We’ll bring you updates as new word comes around.

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