Gamer turns wall into work of art

Game mosaic wall - Image 1

It’s always great to see passion for gaming spill over to become other art forms. What you’re looking at are actual mosaic walls inspired by games across all platforms and it took just one person to create all that eye candy.

Arno Coenen of Rock and Royal is responsible for these cool little sights. So what’s special about a gamer creating works of art? Simple. Getting off the couch when you’re playing is tough enough. How much tougher can it be to actually leave the comfort of your gaming turf for hours to pull this off?

Seriously, we’re looking forward to seeing more stuff like this. Gaming is so much more than the stereotypical shooter or platformer that pundits take it for. It’s an art form in itself, really.

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Game Mosaic Wall - Image 1  

It’s always great to see passion for gaming spill over to become other art forms. What you’re looking at are actual mosaic walls inspired by games across all platforms and it took just one person to create all that eye candy.

Arno Coenen of Rock and Royal is responsible for these cool little sights. So what’s special about a gamer creating works of art? Simple. Getting off the couch when you’re playing is tough enough. How much tougher can it be to actually leave the comfort of your gaming turf for hours to pull this off?

Seriously, we’re looking forward to seeing more stuff like this. Gaming is so much more than the stereotypical shooter or platformer that pundits take it for. It’s an art form in itself, really.

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Via Thacheblog

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