Getting your games online: tips for renters

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After taking a survey of their game-renting fanbase, website 2old2play found out that some people weren’t really getting everything they wanted from game renting services like Gamefly and GameTart Direct. Armed with that knowledge, they have put up some simple tips and stats for game renting that should help you in getting the most out of your hard-earned, and hopefully well-spent cash.

They want people to take a look at location and accessibility. The closer your provider is to where you are, the less trouble you’ll have getting the most out of your money, much less dealing with losses. He also advises you to check the site, as ease of navigation and selection across stores will vary from case to case.

The other important thing deals with the queueing system for game renters. You’ll increase your chances of getting the games (or movies) you want if you keep your list small. It’s not a matter of being stingy. Rather, you force companies to give you the titles you want rather than your second or third choices. Following up on your rentals will also help, as it lets them know you’re a serious customer.

It’s definitely a good read. Besides, good, free advice is hard to come by these days, so you might as well take it, right?

Oh really? - Image 1 

After taking a survey of their game-renting fanbase, website 2old2play found out that some people weren’t really getting everything they wanted from game renting services like Gamefly and GameTart Direct. Armed with that knowledge, they have put up some simple tips and stats for game renting that should help you in getting the most out of your hard-earned, and hopefully well-spent cash.

They want people to take a look at location and accessibility. The closer your provider is to where you are, the less trouble you’ll have getting the most out of your money, much less dealing with losses. He also advises you to check the site, as ease of navigation and selection across stores will vary from case to case.

The other important thing deals with the queueing system for game renters. You’ll increase your chances of getting the games (or movies) you want if you keep your list small. It’s not a matter of being stingy. Rather, you force companies to give you the titles you want rather than your second or third choices. Following up on your rentals will also help, as it lets them know you’re a serious customer.

It’s definitely a good read. Besides, good, free advice is hard to come by these days, so you might as well take it, right?

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