Guitar Hero lawsuit settled out of court

Guitar looser from God modeGamesIndustry reports that RedOctane, Activision, and peripherals manufacturer The Ant Commandos have settled that Guitar Hero lawsuit that was initiated in August last year.

If you guys remember, the suit accused The Ant Commandos of copyright infringement over Guitar Hero controllers. The peripherals manufacturer in turn counter-sued Activision and RedOctane claiming infringement of a controller modeled for Konami‘s Guitar Freaks game.

In a pretty anti-climactic er, development, the case has been officially dismissed by the courts after all companies reached an agreement and settled out of court. So far, neither company revealed the terms of the agreement.

Aw, I feel like a disappointed member of a mob… I was expecting bloodshed! And flying wangs!

Via GamesIndustry

Guitar looser from God modeGamesIndustry reports that RedOctane, Activision, and peripherals manufacturer The Ant Commandos have settled that Guitar Hero lawsuit that was initiated in August last year.

If you guys remember, the suit accused The Ant Commandos of copyright infringement over Guitar Hero controllers. The peripherals manufacturer in turn counter-sued Activision and RedOctane claiming infringement of a controller modeled for Konami‘s Guitar Freaks game.

In a pretty anti-climactic er, development, the case has been officially dismissed by the courts after all companies reached an agreement and settled out of court. So far, neither company revealed the terms of the agreement.

Aw, I feel like a disappointed member of a mob… I was expecting bloodshed! And flying wangs!

Via GamesIndustry

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