Hardcore Halo 2 fans still playing online after Xbox Live service was discontinued

halo_2Microsoft has pulled the plug on all the old games played on Xbox Live, and Bungie even paid tribute to Halo 2‘s final online hurrah. But hold on – a few hardcore fans are still playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live, even after both the publisher and developer have withdrawn support for the service.




h2Microsoft has pulled the plug on all the old games played on Xbox Live, and Bungie even paid tribute to Halo 2‘s final online hurrah. But hold on – a few hardcore fans are still playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live, even after both the publisher and developer have withdrawn support for the service.


Halo 2 fan Joe Campbell tells his story at the Bungie forums, saying that he and around 12 other people are still able to play Halo 2 online. By refusing to logout and shut their systems down, they are able to maintain connection to the old service. Many more tried to do the same, but with overheating, random disconnection, and other issues, the few are now standing proud.


Microsoft shut down support for online gameplay back in April 15th. Nearly two weeks later, these guys are still fighting it out online. “We will keep playing until we are all forcibly removed,” Campbell wrote. “It could be by Microsoft, Bungie, our Xbox’s overheating, or just lagging out. Not for competition, not for a prize, but for the love, and memory of Halo 2.”






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