Homebrew Manager v1.0a – line returns corrected

Homebrew Manager v1.0a - line returns corrected - Image 1When homebrew developer Reppa released Homebrew Manager for the Wii, version 1.0 wasn’t exactly a clean slate. In a rather trivial turn to lexical antics, the Wii homebrew application management program wasn’t able to interpret the line returns of the Meta.XML file of Wii64, a homebrewed Nintendo 64 emulator for the Wii. As a follow up to line return detection, coder Reppa also assumed a few standards for the XML description files. Get the details at the full story.

Download: Homebrew Manager v1.0a

Homebrew Manager v1.0a - line returns corrected - Image 1 

Homebrew Manager v1.0a is a just minor update, solely because it was made to address the line returns recognition issue that homebrew developer Reppa talked about in version 1.0. But upon correcting the problem, Reppa had to impose certain limitations to the data that could be extracted from the Meta.XML files of sorted homebrew applications. The changes are as follows (roughly translated):

  • Fixed return lines too when editing the long description
  • Limit the short description to 24 characters
  • The bug white image should no longer be there
  • The “1” instead of “yes” at the beginning of the XML file was also corrected
  • And more than crash if you click on an empty list 🙂

The file was originally compressed in 7zip format, but we’ve repackaged the archive into standard RAR. Rest assured that the file contents have been left unchanged. Enjoy!

Download: Homebrew Manager v1.0a

Via Reppa

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