Leaked? Screenshots of Banjo Kazooie Threeie

Banjo Kazooie 3 leaked screenshots? - Image 1Once in a while we get a leak on an upcoming game, and while some of them are fake, some turn out to be true. We don’t know if these two supposedly leaked screenshots for Banjo Kazooie Threeie are real, but they certainly look legit. Judge for yourselves in the full article.

Banjo Kazooie 3 leaked screenshots? - Image 1 Banjo Kazooie 3 leaked screenshots? - Image 2

For those who are waiting for news on Banjo Kazooie 3 (or Threeie, if you prefer to follow the naming convention from Tooie), you may want to look at these two supposedly leaked screenshots. We’re not sure if they’re real – but if they’re not, someone went through an awful lot of trouble to make it look authentic.

The game’s often been associated with the motion-sensing controller that supposed to be released for the Xbox 360. In fact, said controller was supposed to be unveiled along with the “first look” of Banjo Kazooie 3, but we haven’t heard from that front yet.

Now as we said, we can’t say for sure if these screenshots are real, but if they’re real, then the game’s looking pretty good. Click on the images to enlarge them, and check back for more updates on Banjo Kazooie 3.

Via NeoGAF

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