Lineage II Chronicle 5: PvP Combat


As an update to the PvP combat in Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood, every class in Lineage II has received a new skill or a change to an existing skill to further enhance the experience of Player vs. Player combat. Almost 50 new skills have been added in Chronicle 5, beginning at level 46, to introduce new and challenging tactics to defeat an opponent. Let’s tackle these new skills according to characters’ classes:

Knights: Paladins and Temple Knights can now invoke holy powers and use sacred energy to strengthen themselves and provoke their enemies. Shillien Knights and Dark Avengers can also use the power of the underworld to attack with a dark energy. Swordsingers and Bladedancers have also learned new techniques to reduce the abilities of enemies.

Rogues: Rogues have improved covert attacks on their enemies and can now increase their own strengths. Treasure Hunters can hide in the shadows to attack with stealth, and like the Abyss Walkers and Plains Walkers, can also launch attacks to weaken the accuracy of their target. Hawkeyes, Silver Rangers, and Phantom Rangers also have new abilities to enhance the strength or speed of their attacks, making their bows an even more fatal weapon.

Warriors: Warriors can learn new skills to increase resistance to certain attacks and enhance their fighting skills. Warlords can attack even more opponents with a brutal swing of their spear, while Tyrants and Destroyers can ask their guardian god to help them in their battles.

Damage Dealing Mystics: This class has been updated to include new abilities to weaken and curse their opponents. They can cause their enemies to flee in fear or make them more susceptible to attacks. Warlocks, Elemental Summoners, and Phantom Summoners can also confuse an enemyÂ’s servitor into attacking its allies.

Healing/Buffing Mystics: Healing and Buffing Mystics have gained new combat powers wherein Prophets and Warcryers can fortify the attack and defense of their allies, while Bishops and Elven Elders now have improved healing skills. Bishops, Prophets, Elven Elders, and Shillien Elders can now attack their enemyÂ’s summoned pet, or directly harm the MP of their foes.

Lineage II is one of those MMO titles that feature top notch PvP combat, making the challenges you encounter fiercely unpredictable. In Chronicle 5, there is no guaranteed victory, players will have to combine strategy and skill to get past the enemies you face. So it’s best to keep checking for updates to learn how you can harness your skills and use them to your advantage so you won’t have to keep meeting with Bishops and Elven Elders. Keep checking back with us for more updates on Lineage II: Chronicle 5.



As an update to the PvP combat in Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood, every class in Lineage II has received a new skill or a change to an existing skill to further enhance the experience of Player vs. Player combat. Almost 50 new skills have been added in Chronicle 5, beginning at level 46, to introduce new and challenging tactics to defeat an opponent. Let’s tackle these new skills according to characters’ classes:

Knights: Paladins and Temple Knights can now invoke holy powers and use sacred energy to strengthen themselves and provoke their enemies. Shillien Knights and Dark Avengers can also use the power of the underworld to attack with a dark energy. Swordsingers and Bladedancers have also learned new techniques to reduce the abilities of enemies.

Rogues: Rogues have improved covert attacks on their enemies and can now increase their own strengths. Treasure Hunters can hide in the shadows to attack with stealth, and like the Abyss Walkers and Plains Walkers, can also launch attacks to weaken the accuracy of their target. Hawkeyes, Silver Rangers, and Phantom Rangers also have new abilities to enhance the strength or speed of their attacks, making their bows an even more fatal weapon.

Warriors: Warriors can learn new skills to increase resistance to certain attacks and enhance their fighting skills. Warlords can attack even more opponents with a brutal swing of their spear, while Tyrants and Destroyers can ask their guardian god to help them in their battles.

Damage Dealing Mystics: This class has been updated to include new abilities to weaken and curse their opponents. They can cause their enemies to flee in fear or make them more susceptible to attacks. Warlocks, Elemental Summoners, and Phantom Summoners can also confuse an enemyÂ’s servitor into attacking its allies.

Healing/Buffing Mystics: Healing and Buffing Mystics have gained new combat powers wherein Prophets and Warcryers can fortify the attack and defense of their allies, while Bishops and Elven Elders now have improved healing skills. Bishops, Prophets, Elven Elders, and Shillien Elders can now attack their enemyÂ’s summoned pet, or directly harm the MP of their foes.

Lineage II is one of those MMO titles that feature top notch PvP combat, making the challenges you encounter fiercely unpredictable. In Chronicle 5, there is no guaranteed victory, players will have to combine strategy and skill to get past the enemies you face. So it’s best to keep checking for updates to learn how you can harness your skills and use them to your advantage so you won’t have to keep meeting with Bishops and Elven Elders. Keep checking back with us for more updates on Lineage II: Chronicle 5.


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