Major Nelson: Silverlight won’t turn your dashboards into Shibuya Crossing, promise

Microsoft Silverlight - Image 1The announcement of the coming of Silverlight to the XBL brought about a rapid discussion on the pros and cons of having them on board, with most of the folks not wanting their dashboards covered with advertisements. Now, we have Major Nelson giving his two cents on the matter.

The announcement of the coming of Silverlight to the XBL brought about a rapid discussion on the pros and cons of having them on board, with most of the folks not wanting their dashboards covered with advertisements. Now, we have Major Nelson giving his two cents on the matter.

Shibuya Crossing - Image 1
NOT your dashboard.

Writing on his blog, he said:

I’ve seen quite a bit of discussion today about how we’re bringing Silverlight ads to LIVE in the future. I need to let you know that you don’t need to worry about a huge influx of ads across the dashboard. One of our core principles is to enhance, not interfere (emphasis his) with the gaming experience, and we work directly with our partners to only deliver experiences that are relevant to the LIVE community.

Silverlight will help make those ads a more organic part of the dashboard, like we’ve done with some of the NXE slots in the past. No one on the team wants to turn the dashboard into something that looks like Shibuya Crossing. That’s just not good for anyone.

Appeased yet?

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Via Major Nelson

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