MMORPG Nick-knacks

Online NicksName is a fence and within it you are nameless,” utters Finnish writer Samuli Paronen. You might say who the heck Paronen is. When you really think about it, maybe it doesn’t matter. It is just a name. But then again, is it really just a name?

MMORPGs involves a massive number of gamers all around the globe. World of Warcraft alone takes pride in its 7 million active subscribers. Have you ever wondered that not one of these multitude has the same online handle? Some names we find absurd, others a little closer to being real. And can you say that the nick, for example, SwitChx18 is indeed that of an 18 year old sweet girl? We cannot and perhaps we never can.

For some people, choosing an online identity is serious matter. They may opt to pick one that defines them closest and most accurately. Others still prefer something that is totally opposite. Whatever the case may be, know this: In a virtual world like online gaming, our online names can serve as masks or mirrors – depending on how we choose them to be.

Via WoWInsider

Online NicksName is a fence and within it you are nameless,” utters Finnish writer Samuli Paronen. You might say who the heck Paronen is. When you really think about it, maybe it doesn’t matter. It is just a name. But then again, is it really just a name?

MMORPGs involves a massive number of gamers all around the globe. World of Warcraft alone takes pride in its 7 million active subscribers. Have you ever wondered that not one of these multitude has the same online handle? Some names we find absurd, others a little closer to being real. And can you say that the nick, for example, SwitChx18 is indeed that of an 18 year old sweet girl? We cannot and perhaps we never can.

For some people, choosing an online identity is serious matter. They may opt to pick one that defines them closest and most accurately. Others still prefer something that is totally opposite. Whatever the case may be, know this: In a virtual world like online gaming, our online names can serve as masks or mirrors – depending on how we choose them to be.

Via WoWInsider

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