Not exactly bashing: FlatOut producer mentions MotorStorm

FlatOut Burns! - Image 1We’ll leave it up to you to decide whether this was a small verbal jab or not. FlatOut producer Danny Rawles seems to have dismissed their game’s equivalent on the PS3 by saying the game MotorStorm was perhaps influenced by FlatOut.

According to an online excerpt from a CVG interview, Rawles was quoted as saying the following regarding their counterpart on Sony‘s PlayStation 3,

In all honesty no, we’ve not been influenced by MotorStorm… Looking at some of their features, perhaps they’ve been influenced by FlatOut.

This seems to be an innocuous statement, as the two titles are exclusive to their respective consoles, but their sales would also necessarily affect the console industry, seeing as they’re the two latest exclusive racers out for Microsoft and Sony’s consoles.
Whether that was a jab or not, we’ll let their actual gameplay decide the outcome of this little debacle-in-the-making.


FlatOut Burns! - Image 1We’ll leave it up to you to decide whether this was a small verbal jab or not. FlatOut producer Danny Rawles seems to have dismissed their game’s equivalent on the PS3 by saying the game MotorStorm was perhaps influenced by FlatOut.

According to an online excerpt from a CVG interview, Rawles was quoted as saying the following regarding their counterpart on Sony‘s PlayStation 3,

In all honesty no, we’ve not been influenced by MotorStorm… Looking at some of their features, perhaps they’ve been influenced by FlatOut.

This seems to be an innocuous statement, as the two titles are exclusive to their respective consoles, but their sales would also necessarily affect the console industry, seeing as they’re the two latest exclusive racers out for Microsoft and Sony’s consoles.
Whether that was a jab or not, we’ll let their actual gameplay decide the outcome of this little debacle-in-the-making.


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