One nice tease: Lost Planet Webisode 1

Teasing can be very good sometimes.

Getting teased is sometimes very annoying. You deal with the potential havoc it can wreak on your emotions because of the hurtful words, thrown eggs, and lead pipes to your back. It can sometimes make you shut down emotionally, to the point that before you know it, you’re writing about video games for some online blog. 

Moving on. Sometimes getting teased is actually kind of fun, especially if it’s the kind of teasing that entices you towards liking something or loving it completely. If you’re lucky, you won’t even end up disappointed! For example, there’s this teaser video out there for Capcom‘s Lost Planet: Extreme Condition on the Xbox 360. Better still, it’s supposed to be the first of a couple of webisodes for the game before it comes out. Now that makes it one heck of a teaser.

If you’re having trouble playing the video though, don’t hesitate to check out the source link to grab a copy of the codec needed to play the video. Other than that, have fun and enjoy the ride for now. Check back with us as we defrost the next webisode when it comes out, alright?

Download: [Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Webisode 1]

Teasing can be very good sometimes.

Getting teased is sometimes very annoying. You deal with the potential havoc it can wreak on your emotions because of the hurtful words, thrown eggs, and lead pipes to your back. It can sometimes make you shut down emotionally, to the point that before you know it, you’re writing about video games for some online blog. 

Moving on. Sometimes getting teased is actually kind of fun, especially if it’s the kind of teasing that entices you towards liking something or loving it completely. If you’re lucky, you won’t even end up disappointed! For example, there’s this teaser video out there for Capcom‘s Lost Planet: Extreme Condition on the Xbox 360. Better still, it’s supposed to be the first of a couple of webisodes for the game before it comes out. Now that makes it one heck of a teaser.

If you’re having trouble playing the video though, don’t hesitate to check out the source link to grab a copy of the codec needed to play the video. Other than that, have fun and enjoy the ride for now. Check back with us as we defrost the next webisode when it comes out, alright?

Download: [Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Webisode 1]

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