Pirates and ninjas coming to Fat Princess?

Fat Princess - Image 1We’ve got workers, warriors, priests, mages, and rangers. But if Titan Studios is gonna give us what they put up on their blog, we can count pirates and ninjas on that list. The PlayStation Network heavyweight, Fat Princess, just might get a little heavier with two additional characters mixing up the gameplay dynamics.

We’ve got workers, warriors, priests, mages, and rangers. But if Titan Studios is gonna give us what they put up on their blog, we can count pirates and ninjas on that list. Fat Princess just might get a little heavier with two additional characters mixing up the gameplay dynamics.

Fat Princess pirates and ninjas - Image 1

Apart from the image, however, Titan Studios didn’t give us any more than that. No words, no numbers, no flashing images of a beaten-up Raiden. Oh wait. Cross that last one out. Seems likely that they’ll be adding new characters to the bunch. That, or they just thought that dressing the workers up like ninjas would look cool.

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