PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient more info and release date

PQ2 will be released in June - Image 1

We don’t know if you guys are interested to compute your intelligence quotient or something but in case you are, then you are probably anticipating the release of video game PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient from Nowproduction Inc. and D3Publisher of America (D3PA).

The game was developed with the help of Kyoto University Professor Masuo Koyasu. What it does is present various puzzles to players, and then compute their PQ based on the number of moves and the speed with which they complete the given puzzles. The game is actually a sequel to title PQ 1 and some of the improvements include:

  • Players will encounter more than 10 new obstacles, more than 250 puzzles, and unlock 10 hidden puzzles; themed puzzles will focus on Single Moves, Traps, Reasoning, Fewest Moves, and more.
  • Players will discover their preliminary PQ score in roughly 10 minutes through Quick Mode, or play through the full puzzle set for their full PQ Score.
  • Players will move around with faster and sharper movements as well as choose which puzzles they want to play first.
  • Using Infrastructure Mode for the PSP system, players can upload their unique puzzles and download puzzles created by other players or new tests that will be made available weekly.
  • Using Ad-Hoc Mode for the PSP system, players can send out a trial version of the game to their friends allowing them to solve 10 puzzles to discover their preliminary PQ score.
  • Players will check their rank among the worldÂ’s top 100 scores, their country, their region, their age group, their gender and even their own blood type.

Fans in North America should get PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient this coming June 12.

PQ2 will be released in June - Image 1

We don’t know if you guys are interested to compute your intelligence quotient or something but in case you are, then you are probably anticipating the release of video game PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient from Nowproduction Inc. and D3Publisher of America (D3PA).

The game was developed with the help of Kyoto University Professor Masuo Koyasu. What it does is present various puzzles to players, and then compute their PQ based on the number of moves and the speed with which they complete the given puzzles. The game is actually a sequel to title PQ 1 and some of the improvements include:

  • Players will encounter more than 10 new obstacles, more than 250 puzzles, and unlock 10 hidden puzzles; themed puzzles will focus on Single Moves, Traps, Reasoning, Fewest Moves, and more.
  • Players will discover their preliminary PQ score in roughly 10 minutes through Quick Mode, or play through the full puzzle set for their full PQ Score.
  • Players will move around with faster and sharper movements as well as choose which puzzles they want to play first.
  • Using Infrastructure Mode for the PSP system, players can upload their unique puzzles and download puzzles created by other players or new tests that will be made available weekly.
  • Using Ad-Hoc Mode for the PSP system, players can send out a trial version of the game to their friends allowing them to solve 10 puzzles to discover their preliminary PQ score.
  • Players will check their rank among the worldÂ’s top 100 scores, their country, their region, their age group, their gender and even their own blood type.

Fans in North America should get PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient this coming June 12.

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