PSP Homebrew: Toggle USB Flash2/3 special system

Toggle USB Flash2/3 - Image 1

From the same PSP homebrew developer who brought us Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-D, comes Toggle USB Flash2/3 special system. The brains behind this, becus25, mentioned that “with this tool you can access via usb the Flash2 or 3 drive of PSP”. Aside from that, you could also have access to the drive on read/write files mode and you could use this to toggle the memory stick.

The homebrew application does not come with a readme, but installation and usage is simple enough. To install, all you have to do is copy the files to the PSP Game (Game150 if you’re using Custom firmwares) folder. As for the usage, here goes:

  • Press X to toggle USB (flash 2)
  • Press O to toggle USB (flash 3)
  • Press square to toggle USB (memory stick)

We hope to hear from becus25 in the coming days, and hopefully, he would make the necessary improvements on this homebrew application. Here’s the download link, folks! To know more about becus25’s PSP projects, head on over to his site by clicking on our source link below.

Download: Toggle USB Flash2/3 special system

Via becus25

Toggle USB Flash2/3 - Image 1

From the same PSP homebrew developer who brought us Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-D, comes Toggle USB Flash2/3 special system. The brains behind this, becus25, mentioned that “with this tool you can access via usb the Flash2 or 3 drive of PSP”. Aside from that, you could also have access to the drive on read/write files mode and you could use this to toggle the memory stick.

The homebrew application does not come with a readme, but installation and usage is simple enough. To install, all you have to do is copy the files to the PSP Game (Game150 if you’re using Custom firmwares) folder. As for the usage, here goes:

  • Press X to toggle USB (flash 2)
  • Press O to toggle USB (flash 3)
  • Press square to toggle USB (memory stick)

We hope to hear from becus25 in the coming days, and hopefully, he would make the necessary improvements on this homebrew application. Here’s the download link, folks! To know more about becus25’s PSP projects, head on over to his site by clicking on our source link below.

Download: Toggle USB Flash2/3 special system

Via becus25

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