Rumors Ahoy – PSOne Emulator Launch List And More!
A healthy rumor, a sip of the net and a dash of salt make for a darn tasty proposition, especially when it involves a major PSP firmware update firmware update, new peripherals, and the fabled PSP, PSOne emulator.
-The PSP Eye Toy will be out in Europe in September, a North American release is yet to be disclosed.
This one actually makes sense since the Eye Toy has traditionally done much better in Europe than it has in the US
-The PSP GPS will be released in October along with a new compatible entry in the Everybody’s Golf series of games. Ken Kutaragi has also stated that there are currently some PSP titles out there compatible with this future peripheral.
Who’s to say really, the device is planned for launch in this period according to everything we’ve seen and heard from Sony, but whether there really will be an Everybody’s Golf to launch alongside it isn’t known.
-A new firmware release coinciding with the launch of the PlayStation 3, it will enable video conferencing, video streaming and PS3 compatibility.
A future firmware upgrade isn’t a possibility, it’s an inevitability. It’s likely that one of these upgrades will indeed enable the PSP and PS3 to talk to each other, whether we’ll get video conferencing and video streaming, we’ll just have to wait and see.
-And now for the big one: The PSOne emulator will be release in October. The first supported games will be Tomb Raider, Castlevainia: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VII &VIII, and Silent Hill.
As always with these kinds of things, you want to take this with a dose of skepticism.
Via NeoGAF
A healthy rumor, a sip of the net and a dash of salt make for a darn tasty proposition, especially when it involves a major PSP firmware update firmware update, new peripherals, and the fabled PSP, PSOne emulator.
-The PSP Eye Toy will be out in Europe in September, a North American release is yet to be disclosed.
This one actually makes sense since the Eye Toy has traditionally done much better in Europe than it has in the US
-The PSP GPS will be released in October along with a new compatible entry in the Everybody’s Golf series of games. Ken Kutaragi has also stated that there are currently some PSP titles out there compatible with this future peripheral.
Who’s to say really, the device is planned for launch in this period according to everything we’ve seen and heard from Sony, but whether there really will be an Everybody’s Golf to launch alongside it isn’t known.
-A new firmware release coinciding with the launch of the PlayStation 3, it will enable video conferencing, video streaming and PS3 compatibility.
A future firmware upgrade isn’t a possibility, it’s an inevitability. It’s likely that one of these upgrades will indeed enable the PSP and PS3 to talk to each other, whether we’ll get video conferencing and video streaming, we’ll just have to wait and see.
-And now for the big one: The PSOne emulator will be release in October. The first supported games will be Tomb Raider, Castlevainia: Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VII &VIII, and Silent Hill.
As always with these kinds of things, you want to take this with a dose of skepticism.
Via NeoGAF