Real Heroes: Firefighter proceeds go to firefighters’ charity

Real Heroes: Firefighter - Image 1If you’re into doing charity for a good cause, you need not go to Africa with Angelina Jolie. We’ve got an opportunity right here with Real Heroes: Firefighter for the Wii. Epicenter Studios is making it known that part of the proceeds of the game will go to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.

Real Heroes: Firefighter - Image 1 

If you’re into doing charity for a good cause, you need not go to Africa with Angelina Jolie. We’ve got an opportunity right here with Real Heroes: Firefighter for the Wii. Epicenter Studios is making it known that part of the proceeds of the game will go to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.

This particular charity aims to “provide timely assistance to all fire service members and their families in the event of cancer diagnosis,” explained Epicenter’s CEO Nathaniel McClure. So start saving some real heroes for real in June 2009.

Via Joystiq

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