Remedy: We don’t do multiplayer games

remedy_logoThey’re going against the flow, and unfortunately, it just might be at the expense of your enjoyment. Remedy Entertainment has decided that they won’t be offering the multiplayer mode in the long overdue Alan Wake title simply because they “[don’t] do multiplayer games.”




They’re going against the flow, and unfortunately, it just might be at the expense of your enjoyment. Remedy Entertainment has decided that they won’t be offering the multiplayer mode in the long overdue Alan Wake title simply because they “[don’t] do multiplayer games.”


Oskari Hakkinen, head of franchise development, explains: “We decide to do one thing well – the single player game – and not what other people do well. Remedy doesn’t do multiplayer games. It’s not that we don’t have the know-how, but the effort involved would not have resulted in a compelling game for the player.”



I may be alone, but I am great and strong!…


He also insisted that it was the right move for them considering how players won’t be playing the game for the multiplayer feature anyway. “Players have their favorite multiplayer games which they play regularly. They are not going to play Alan Wake for the multiplayer; they will play to enjoy the story-driven and compelling single-player experience.”



Via [Connected Consoles]




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