Saints Row 2 disses GTA4, analyst calls it “pompous”

Saint's Row - Image 1So, why is Saints Row 2‘s latest trailer getting a lot of attention? Well, if you haven’t heard, it just dissed the all-time biggest selling game in a single week, Grand Theft Auto 4. While some found this approach amusing, one analyst certainly did not and he called THQ‘s approach to advertising “unusually pompous.” The video and details are in the full article up ahead.

A new trailer for THQ‘s Saints Row 2(PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) has caught the attention of a lot of people as of late with its unusually aggressive tone. The ad seemed to take pot shots at Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto IV(Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) with its comparison of activities players can engage in within the two games.

If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, watching the video below will help you understand what we mean.

The trailer drove Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey to comment that Saints Row 2 was being “pompous” with their marketing style. He pointed out that GTA4 is set to officially become the biggest selling game in a single week and is also the highest-rated title for both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 in aggregate review sites such as Metacritic and Gamerankings.

Hickey added that Saints Row 2 is by comparison a title with “conservative” sales expectations. It’s set to debut on the 14th of October in the US on the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Buy: [Saints Row 2 Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360) (PS3)]

Via Gamasutra

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