The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter

The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter - Image 1 The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter - Image 2 The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter - Image 3 

If you’re one of those fortunate individuals lucky enough to secure a preorder of the very stylish and very elusive PSP Slims themed after one of the most highly-anticipated titles of the year, or if you want to add just a bit more class to your handheld-sized piece of gaming joy, then this accessory is for you. Get ready to fire up your mouse-clicking finger (as well as your plastic of choice) to get one of these babies: the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter!

Looks good, doesn’t it? Now imagine this tough baby with the stylish black feather motif all wrapped around snug and tight on your PlayStation Portable, protecting it from the harsh elements while keeping it safe and clean. There’s also a neat section where you can store an extra UMD in, as well as your headphones for maximum portability – and it zips up nice and tight to avoid any ruinous spillage. All this for the mere pittance of Â¥ 9,975 (about US$ 86 ) – which is practically a steal, as far as Final Fantasy VII-related merchandise go.

With all this Crisis Core-themed accessories for the PlayStation Portable, Square Enix is definitely upping the ante as far as merchandising is concerned. Here’s hoping for more irresistible items such as these to swing our way – mayhap a PSP slim themed after Sephiroth? Who knows? Developments as they occur!


The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter - Image 1 The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter - Image 2 The Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter - Image 3 

If you’re one of those fortunate individuals lucky enough to secure a preorder of the very stylish and very elusive PSP Slims themed after one of the most highly-anticipated titles of the year, or if you want to add just a bit more class to your handheld-sized piece of gaming joy, then this accessory is for you. Get ready to fire up your mouse-clicking finger (as well as your plastic of choice) to get one of these babies: the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP Porter!

Looks good, doesn’t it? Now imagine this tough baby with the stylish black feather motif all wrapped around snug and tight on your PlayStation Portable, protecting it from the harsh elements while keeping it safe and clean. There’s also a neat section where you can store an extra UMD in, as well as your headphones for maximum portability – and it zips up nice and tight to avoid any ruinous spillage. All this for the mere pittance of Â¥ 9,975 (about US$ 86 ) – which is practically a steal, as far as Final Fantasy VII-related merchandise go.

With all this Crisis Core-themed accessories for the PlayStation Portable, Square Enix is definitely upping the ante as far as merchandising is concerned. Here’s hoping for more irresistible items such as these to swing our way – mayhap a PSP slim themed after Sephiroth? Who knows? Developments as they occur!


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