The PS Move Subcontroller is NOT the Nunchuk

ps3-motion-controller-thumbHere’s something you gotta know about the PlayStation Move’s sidekick, the “Nunchuk”, otherwise officiall known as the Move Subcontroller. Truth is,  while it may generally function “like” the Wii’s Nunchuk, it’s not exactly like it. No, really. I’m not just being Mr. Obvious here.




Here’s something you gotta know about the PlayStation Move’s sidekick, the “Nunchuk”, otherwise officiall known as the Move Subcontroller. Truth is,  while it may generally function “like” the Wii’s Nunchuk, it’s not exactly like it.


First of all, this Subcontroller functions wirelessly from Move. Then, it does not require batteries. Instead, all you have to do is charge it via the PS3 using the same USB cable as the ones you use for charging your PS3 controllers.



I am unique. I am unique. I am unique. I am — gaaaaaaaaarr!!!

Oh, and it does not have a gyro sensor. Simply put, it cannot detect motion. Not at this time, Sony says. Maybe by the time it comes out this Fall, they’d have changed their minds.

So yeah. The next time you hear someone compare the Move and its SubController to the Wiimote and its Nunchuk, you’ve got a couple of good factoids to throw their way to prove they’re not the same banana.





Via [Kotaku]




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