Warhammer Online: Kuulo’s War update

Warhammer Online - Image 1This update of EA Mythic‘s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is something we don’t see quite a lot of, but it’s definitely worth reading. If you ever wondered what it would be like to serve under the command of a very “kunnin” Orc, then you’d best go over to the full article to soak in all the gratuitous violence and rampant elf face-eating. Reader discretion is advised – this piece of lore is quite the bloodily-awesome one.

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning - Image 1

Based around one of the most epic (and most awesome) tabletop RPGs there ever existed, EA Mythic‘s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning would certainly let down a lot of fans if it didn’t have the same blood-soaked, violence-steeped story elements to it.

Thus, it is with great pleasure and great relief that we peruse such a piece of fine lore on the Warhammer Herald, aptly titled Kuulo’s War. It’s quite a long read, and while we won’t spoil things for you, it certainly sets the tone for Warhammer Online as having one of the most violent and brutal races ever – namely the mean, the green, the choppa-wielding Orcs.

Also in this rather long exposition on the finer arts of mass-murdering combat, we get a glimpse of just how devastatingly effective an Elvish Swordmaster can be even when outnumbered. Of course, things go right for the horde in the end, even if they suffer heavy casualties – as Kuulo put it, “you lads gotta use your kunnin.” Here’s hoping that the game is just as feverish, as bloody, and as BOSS as the fight scenes. Updates as we get them, and you can read the entire piece in the via link below.

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