When life forms go to war: Spore civilization stage trailer

Logo of Maxis' Spore for PC, Mac - Image 1If you’re bored with all the unicellular screenshots and videos of Maxis‘ upcoming life simulator Spore(PC, Nintendo Wii, DS, Mac, and Mobile), then feast your eyes on this latest trailer for the game. Producer Kip Katsarelis and Software Engineer Soren Johnsen explain how the civilization stage of the game works and show just how cool it can be waging war against your fellow life forms. Video and details after the jump.

If you’re bored with all the unicellular screenshots and videos of Maxis‘ upcoming life simulator Spore (PC, Nintendo Wii, DS, Mac, and Mobile), then feast your eyes on this latest trailer for the game. It features one of the more advanced stages in the game, where your beloved life forms learn one of the more “civilized” forms of social interaction: war.

The video also features Producer Kip Katsarelis and Software Engineer Soren Johnsen as they explain how the civilization stage of the game works. The phase will feature different diplomatic actions that your life forms can take, such as building new cities, trading with other civilizations across the planet, and even waging war against them.

Anyway, enough talk. We’ll let you check out the new trailer for yourselves and tell us how pumped up you are with its release in a little more than a week’s time (we know we are).

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Via Kotaku

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