Wii gets featured in The Today Show

So, whaddya know, Nintendo’s upcoming console got featured in “The Today Show”, and we got to tell ya, Al Roker sure looks impressed with it.

Although it’s nothing like “man candy” (okay, enough on the Al Roker “trademark phrases”), the Wii sure looks appealing to Nintendo fans and non-gamers alike. After all, the funky controller can make anyone hooked, not excluding morning show hosts who have to have to wake up waaaay early, haul their bodies off to work AT THE CRACK OF DAWN, and deliver news to people who are probably still half-asleep. If I were in their shoes, I’d probably be grumpy the whole time, morning person as I am (oooh, feel the sarcasm).

ANYWAY, we think it’s great that gaming consoles these days are getting more coverage. Hopefully, they’ll go mainstream soon. After all, the thrill and fun of playing video games is strictly reserved to an elite club of gamers only. And with the Wii being targeted, and made to be appealing to practically everyone, that doesn’t seem like wishful thinking at all.

Credits go to EricNinden for uploading this vid!

So, whaddya know, Nintendo’s upcoming console got featured in “The Today Show”, and we got to tell ya, Al Roker sure looks impressed with it.

Although it’s nothing like “man candy” (okay, enough on the Al Roker “trademark phrases”), the Wii sure looks appealing to Nintendo fans and non-gamers alike. After all, the funky controller can make anyone hooked, not excluding morning show hosts who have to have to wake up waaaay early, haul their bodies off to work AT THE CRACK OF DAWN, and deliver news to people who are probably still half-asleep. If I were in their shoes, I’d probably be grumpy the whole time, morning person as I am (oooh, feel the sarcasm).

ANYWAY, we think it’s great that gaming consoles these days are getting more coverage. Hopefully, they’ll go mainstream soon. After all, the thrill and fun of playing video games is strictly reserved to an elite club of gamers only. And with the Wii being targeted, and made to be appealing to practically everyone, that doesn’t seem like wishful thinking at all.

Credits go to EricNinden for uploading this vid!

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