World of Warcarft Burning Crusade: Interview with Lead Designer

Over 6 million subscribers of World of Warcraft are eargerly anticipating the game’s first major expansion, Burning Crusade. Announced in February, the expansion promises a whole lot of new content that is sure to delight its massive following. Gamespot staff, being huge fans of the game, were able to throw important questions to lead designer Jeffrey Kaplan. It’s always good to get information straight from the horse’s mouth, even better if prodded by self-confessed World of Warcraft addicts.

Asked if the expansion is aimed more at veteran players who have hit level 60, Kaplan said, on the contrary, the game will draw in new players as well as less advanced players. But it doesn’t mean it will not appeal to the veteran player. The appeal of the expansion will be on the brand new content as players start at level one, that is the blood elves, the new Horde race, will be able to adventure through Eversong Forest and Ghostlands. And since the topic is on the Horde race, Gamespot, who branded it as a “pretty” race, asked if it’s all right to assume that, conversely, the Alliance will emerge as the “ugly” race. Kaplan dismissed the idea saying that the Horde race is a “cool” race that will make players want to play that race.

The new content will not be limited to the zones specific to Burning Crusade, so expect changes to the existing territories as well. Every new content takes into account specific needs of players who want to play as part of a guild, as well as players who prefer to quest alone. Players who don’t want to get the expansion (I don’t know why they wouldn’t) can still go to all the zones and can access they’re contents, however they can’t get expansion quests or travel  to expansion zones.

Asked about the coolest experience that he had while playing Burning Crusade, Kaplan replied: “So far, the coolest experience I’ve had was boarding a flying mount in a zone called Nagrand and flying out over the plains. I think anyone who has ridden a gryphon or wyvern in World of Warcraft has fantasized about being able to steer it in any direction they want. The freedom and beauty of flying over the expansion lands was really exhilarating.”
Over 6 million subscribers of World of Warcraft are eargerly anticipating the game’s first major expansion, Burning Crusade. Announced in February, the expansion promises a whole lot of new content that is sure to delight its massive following. Gamespot staff, being huge fans of the game, were able to throw important questions to lead designer Jeffrey Kaplan. It’s always good to get information straight from the horse’s mouth, even better if prodded by self-confessed World of Warcraft addicts.

Asked if the expansion is aimed more at veteran players who have hit level 60, Kaplan said, on the contrary, the game will draw in new players as well as less advanced players. But it doesn’t mean it will not appeal to the veteran player. The appeal of the expansion will be on the brand new content as players start at level one, that is the blood elves, the new Horde race, will be able to adventure through Eversong Forest and Ghostlands. And since the topic is on the Horde race, Gamespot, who branded it as a “pretty” race, asked if it’s all right to assume that, conversely, the Alliance will emerge as the “ugly” race. Kaplan dismissed the idea saying that the Horde race is a “cool” race that will make players want to play that race.

The new content will not be limited to the zones specific to Burning Crusade, so expect changes to the existing territories as well. Every new content takes into account specific needs of players who want to play as part of a guild, as well as players who prefer to quest alone. Players who don’t want to get the expansion (I don’t know why they wouldn’t) can still go to all the zones and can access they’re contents, however they can’t get expansion quests or travel  to expansion zones.

Asked about the coolest experience that he had while playing Burning Crusade, Kaplan replied: “So far, the coolest experience I’ve had was boarding a flying mount in a zone called Nagrand and flying out over the plains. I think anyone who has ridden a gryphon or wyvern in World of Warcraft has fantasized about being able to steer it in any direction they want. The freedom and beauty of flying over the expansion lands was really exhilarating.”

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