XNA – Depth of Field video

Slowly but surely, Microsoft‘s newest creation the XNA Game Studio Express, is becoming a vital tool for every developer. In fact, the recently concluded Seattle Code Camp devoted numerous sessions with regard to XNA, and how it could be used to make awesome creations.

This very young development tool is beaming with potential but only time will tell if those potentials would get realized. But with devs showing interest with this app, it seems that the future is looking great for XNA. We’ve featured some XNA made creations – Johan Hiemstra‘s Shooter, PsyCadelik‘s Diamond Digger, and Macheezmo‘s ShootMania – among many others. Now, let us peek into Handkor’s XNA video called Depth of Field. Now, play nice, you guys and take this as a sign of greater things to come.

Via Xbox 360 Homebrew

Slowly but surely, Microsoft‘s newest creation the XNA Game Studio Express, is becoming a vital tool for every developer. In fact, the recently concluded Seattle Code Camp devoted numerous sessions with regard to XNA, and how it could be used to make awesome creations.

This very young development tool is beaming with potential but only time will tell if those potentials would get realized. But with devs showing interest with this app, it seems that the future is looking great for XNA. We’ve featured some XNA made creations – Johan Hiemstra‘s Shooter, PsyCadelik‘s Diamond Digger, and Macheezmo‘s ShootMania – among many others. Now, let us peek into Handkor’s XNA video called Depth of Field. Now, play nice, you guys and take this as a sign of greater things to come.

Via Xbox 360 Homebrew

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