2.71 SE-C Quick Boot PRX v0.1

PSPa_noob stopped by our forums recently and talked about his creation, version 0.1 of his quick boot module for 2.71 SE-C. Basically, this one will allow you to launch a homebrew of your choice with a press of a button, anywhere from the XMB..

The dev mentions that for now, all homebrew are loaded in 1.5 Kernel and he is asking you for suggestions on what to put in the quickboot.txt so as it could load on the 2.71 Kernel. The comments section is a perfect place to do that.

Anyhow, he said that this is not his first created program, but this is his first public release. In the future, a_noob also plans on releasing a homebrew game although he didn’t divulge any details as to what would the game be about. Since this is the first time we’re featuring this app, we’ll hook you up with installation procedures and usage.

To install:

  1. Copy seplugins to MS_ROOT or skip to step 2 if seplugind folder exists
  2. Copy quickboot.prx to your seplugins folder open the vsh.txt and add “ms0:/seplugins/quickboot.prx” ( without the quotes)
  3. Copy quickboot.txt to your MS_ROOT
  4. Open quickboot.txt with a text editor and type the path to your desired homebrews eboot ex. “ms0:/PSP/GAME/irshell/EBOOT.PBP”(without the quotes up to four supported)
  5. Restart your psp and hold r trigger while turning on to enter the recovery console then go down to plugins and enable quickboot.prx


  • Right trigger starts the first homebrew on the list
  • Left trigger starts the second homebrew on the list
  • Triangle and Circle starts the third homebrew on the list
  • Square and Cross starts the fourth homebrew on the list

Download: [2.71 SE-C Quick Boot PRX v0.1]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

PSPa_noob stopped by our forums recently and talked about his creation, version 0.1 of his quick boot module for 2.71 SE-C. Basically, this one will allow you to launch a homebrew of your choice with a press of a button, anywhere from the XMB..

The dev mentions that for now, all homebrew are loaded in 1.5 Kernel and he is asking you for suggestions on what to put in the quickboot.txt so as it could load on the 2.71 Kernel. The comments section is a perfect place to do that.

Anyhow, he said that this is not his first created program, but this is his first public release. In the future, a_noob also plans on releasing a homebrew game although he didn’t divulge any details as to what would the game be about. Since this is the first time we’re featuring this app, we’ll hook you up with installation procedures and usage.

To install:

  1. Copy seplugins to MS_ROOT or skip to step 2 if seplugind folder exists
  2. Copy quickboot.prx to your seplugins folder open the vsh.txt and add “ms0:/seplugins/quickboot.prx” ( without the quotes)
  3. Copy quickboot.txt to your MS_ROOT
  4. Open quickboot.txt with a text editor and type the path to your desired homebrews eboot ex. “ms0:/PSP/GAME/irshell/EBOOT.PBP”(without the quotes up to four supported)
  5. Restart your psp and hold r trigger while turning on to enter the recovery console then go down to plugins and enable quickboot.prx


  • Right trigger starts the first homebrew on the list
  • Left trigger starts the second homebrew on the list
  • Triangle and Circle starts the third homebrew on the list
  • Square and Cross starts the fourth homebrew on the list

Download: [2.71 SE-C Quick Boot PRX v0.1]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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