2.71 TA-082 Firmware PSP’s Now Able to Downgrade!
Just when you thought Santa (Dark_Alex) couldn’t surprise us with anymore presents for this holiday season, he has! We have a downgrader from Dark_Alex with the help of Mathieulh (right-hand man) and Harleyg. Just today it was announced that 2.71 PSPs running Dark_Alex’s HEN-D will be able to downgrade their PSPs to a lower firmware (1.50) with this new program.
Unlike previous downdaters that require 1.50 helper files (illegal to distribute), this downgrader uses the raw 1.50 update file which is not illegal to distribute, so this process is much easier than previous downdaters released by Dark_Alex.
This program is specifically designed for 2.71 HEN-D users with a TA-082 motherboard. HEN-D, which enables 2.71 users to execute homebrew via the XMB, will be required for this downgrade process, and if you do not have it you can download it at the link provided below. Dark_Alex has also provided a detailed installation of this process detailed in the readme (please read the readme after you download).
- Copy the UPDATE and idstoragechange folders into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the official sony 1.50 eboot and put it in the /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder with the name of UPDATE.PBP
- Run HEN-D if you are not already running it.
- Execute the idstoragechange. It needs 75% battery. It will change some keyes of your idstorage needed to downgrade the ta-082.
- The program will exit to the XMB. Now execute the generic downgrade, which will show in the xmb as “Update X.YX” in the psp language.
- The generic downgrader will also need 75% battery. IT will downgrade your psp to 1.50.
- At the end, it will ask you to press X to restart the psp. Do it.
- If all went fine, you’ll receive a blue screen telling you to press O. Do it, and reenter your settings. Welcome to 1.50.
- If things didn’t go that fine, you’ll have a non-functional psp, aka brick.
Warning: As always, there is a chance that you may brick your PSP running a downgrader, so please try this at your own risk and follow directions exactly.
Download: [1.50 Firmware Update]
Download: [2.71 Homebrew Enabler (HEN-D)]
Download: [TA-082 Downgrader for 2.71 Firmware]
Discuss: [Forum release thread]
Just when you thought Santa (Dark_Alex) couldn’t surprise us with anymore presents for this holiday season, he has! We have a downgrader from Dark_Alex with the help of Mathieulh (right-hand man) and Harleyg. Just today it was announced that 2.71 PSPs running Dark_Alex’s HEN-D will be able to downgrade their PSPs to a lower firmware (1.50) with this new program.
Unlike previous downdaters that require 1.50 helper files (illegal to distribute), this downgrader uses the raw 1.50 update file which is not illegal to distribute, so this process is much easier than previous downdaters released by Dark_Alex.
This program is specifically designed for 2.71 HEN-D users with a TA-082 motherboard. HEN-D, which enables 2.71 users to execute homebrew via the XMB, will be required for this downgrade process, and if you do not have it you can download it at the link provided below. Dark_Alex has also provided a detailed installation of this process detailed in the readme (please read the readme after you download).
- Copy the UPDATE and idstoragechange folders into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the official sony 1.50 eboot and put it in the /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder with the name of UPDATE.PBP
- Run HEN-D if you are not already running it.
- Execute the idstoragechange. It needs 75% battery. It will change some keyes of your idstorage needed to downgrade the ta-082.
- The program will exit to the XMB. Now execute the generic downgrade, which will show in the xmb as “Update X.YX” in the psp language.
- The generic downgrader will also need 75% battery. IT will downgrade your psp to 1.50.
- At the end, it will ask you to press X to restart the psp. Do it.
- If all went fine, you’ll receive a blue screen telling you to press O. Do it, and reenter your settings. Welcome to 1.50.
- If things didn’t go that fine, you’ll have a non-functional psp, aka brick.
Warning: As always, there is a chance that you may brick your PSP running a downgrader, so please try this at your own risk and follow directions exactly.
Download: [1.50 Firmware Update]
Download: [2.71 Homebrew Enabler (HEN-D)]
Download: [TA-082 Downgrader for 2.71 Firmware]
Discuss: [Forum release thread]