3.03 OE-A Easy Installer (double-click action)

O-EA: O happy day!

As the Merovingian put it, “the basic law of the land is causality”. Plant an acorn, and an oak tree grows. Jump off a tall building, and rediscover the Law of Gravity (and in nearly all cases, Mortality). Dark_Alex releases 3.03 OE-A, someone else releases Installer for 3.03 OE-A. Then everyone deluges the QJ DL site, burns up a ton of bandwidth, and crashes servers somewhere in Liechtenstein for fair.

Okay, we’re kidding about the servers in Liechtenstein. But we’re sure you’ll appreciate ~Maniac~’s 3.03 OE-A easy installer. There’s a reason why the hard way is called the hard way (albeit safer, because you can tick off every step in the process and monitor whether you’re doing it right), and why installers reduce all of that to a few steps and some clicking. Not everyone is fairly confident with tinkering with their PSPs, and do, at times, need the hand-holding.

This Installer will require the .Net 2.0 framework to run on your PC (we’re including the download link for that). Basic instructions from the guy are:

  1. Download the file below
  2. Follow the instructions in the window
  3. Start the flashing from the GAME menu

Thanks for the tip, Alan!

Download: [3.03 OE-A Installer]
Download: [Microsoft Framework 2.0 (dotnetfx.exe)]

O-EA: O happy day!

As the Merovingian put it, “the basic law of the land is causality”. Plant an acorn, and an oak tree grows. Jump off a tall building, and rediscover the Law of Gravity (and in nearly all cases, Mortality). Dark_Alex releases 3.03 OE-A, someone else releases Installer for 3.03 OE-A. Then everyone deluges the QJ DL site, burns up a ton of bandwidth, and crashes servers somewhere in Liechtenstein for fair.

Okay, we’re kidding about the servers in Liechtenstein. But we’re sure you’ll appreciate ~Maniac~’s 3.03 OE-A easy installer. There’s a reason why the hard way is called the hard way (albeit safer, because you can tick off every step in the process and monitor whether you’re doing it right), and why installers reduce all of that to a few steps and some clicking. Not everyone is fairly confident with tinkering with their PSPs, and do, at times, need the hand-holding.

This Installer will require the .Net 2.0 framework to run on your PC (we’re including the download link for that). Basic instructions from the guy are:

  1. Download the file below
  2. Follow the instructions in the window
  3. Start the flashing from the GAME menu

Thanks for the tip, Alan!

Download: [3.03 OE-A Installer]
Download: [Microsoft Framework 2.0 (dotnetfx.exe)]

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