3DRealms: Duke Nukem Forever planned for multiple platforms

3D Realms: Duke Nukem Forever planned for multiple platforms - Image 1Duke Nukem Forever was often thought to be a PC-only release, since it was to be the true successor of the then-PC catalyst for LAN partying, time-killing, and bad-mouthing – the revolutionary Duke Nukem 3D. But it seems 3DRealms has newer plans laid out for the next installment, and it’s likely to spread some Christmas cheer to all. 3DRealms CEO Scott Miller spills some delight at the full story.

3D Realms: Duke Nukem Forever planned for multiple platforms - Image 1 

Now here’s one for the books: 3DRealms CEO Scott Miller just let slip that they are planning a multiplatform release for elusive Duke Nukem Forever, and it sang sweet melodies to our ears. It wasn’t so long ago that the developer released a most welcome Duke Nukem Forever trailer in years, and this new development is sweet nectar to fans now spread among various gaming platform favorites.

“We plan to have a multi-platform release if possible. We’re not nailing down a date yet, but we’re excited about the game’s progress,” so goes the magical words from Miller’s mouth, so it’s no longer a PC-only release as speculated by many. Miller then added that the trailer was simply a teaser, reminding fans that the bubble-gum deprived, PigCop kicker is coming in the future.

While such plans may be about as rock-solid as the game’s actual release date, at least at one point of its development, 3DRealms aimed to have every gamer – no matter what game machine in possession – park ’em bricks in alien toilets in freeze-ray fashion. Brick parking: might be for everyone.

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