7-in-1 USB charging cable: keeping it neat and simple
Tired of keeping track of all your charging cables for your handhelds? Then trust my snarky, car-salesman – yet dulcet – voice and take a look at this 7-in-1 USB charging cable from Brando!
Tired of keeping track of all your charging cables for your handhelds? Then trust my snarky, car-salesman – yet dulcet – voice and take a look at this 7-in-1 USB charging cable from Brando! It charges all three PSP models, all three DS models, and the Game Boy Advance.
Brando’s 7-in-1 USB Charging Cable is available for 7 bucks. Cheap, affordable, and pretty questionable, considering you have to charge via a USB Solt. I don’t know what a USB Solt is, but it must pack quite a punch.
Typos and dulcet voices aside, it’s hard to put some solid faith in this third-party thingamajig, especially if that third-party’s name sounds like a lounge magician. Convenient, yes. Safe? Well… consider the time-honored phrase: you get what you pay for. If you’re willing to trust it with your various expensive gadgetries anyway, the Source Link shall be your guide.
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Via Brando