Nintendo Puts Out Own Offensive Ad
While Sony is still reeling from the fallout of their Dutch PSP ad which offended quite a few for being racist, Nintendo could also find itself neck deep in flack for putting out an ad that could only be described as “shapist”. The billboard for the DS Lite is obviously offensive to people of substantial weight, regardless of color, race or creed. If you happen to be one of them please read the next line before you launch your own protest campaign. It’s a joke!
While Sony is still reeling from the fallout of their Dutch PSP ad which offended quite a few for being racist, Nintendo could also find itself neck deep in flack for putting out an ad that could only be described as “shapist”. The billboard for the DS Lite is obviously offensive to people of substantial weight, regardless of color, race or creed. If you happen to be one of them please read the next line before you launch your own protest campaign. It’s a joke!