Battlefield: Bad Company Xbox 360 and PS3 Bound
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat is a staple in the top Xbox Live Games for who knows how long. However, the release of an all new Battlefield title called Battlefield 2: Bad Company, could spell the end BFMC’s reign.
EA hasn’t released any juicy details on the game yet, much less a release date; however they did say that they are hoping to improve the single player campaign and deliver high standards of online action once more. The September issue of Game Informer also reveals what DICE’s plans are for the multiplayer support for the game. They stressed that this is definitely not a renamed version of the PC title Battlefield 2142.
Battlefield: Bad Company is not only available for the Xbox 360 but to the PLAYSTATION 3 as well. Some gamers are reporting that this will come out some time Spring of 2007, with fully destructible environments and four main characters for players to use.
Thanks so much to Hummer for the tip!
Via gameinformer
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat is a staple in the top Xbox Live Games for who knows how long. However, the release of an all new Battlefield title called Battlefield 2: Bad Company, could spell the end BFMC’s reign.
EA hasn’t released any juicy details on the game yet, much less a release date; however they did say that they are hoping to improve the single player campaign and deliver high standards of online action once more. The September issue of Game Informer also reveals what DICE’s plans are for the multiplayer support for the game. They stressed that this is definitely not a renamed version of the PC title Battlefield 2142.
Battlefield: Bad Company is not only available for the Xbox 360 but to the PLAYSTATION 3 as well. Some gamers are reporting that this will come out some time Spring of 2007, with fully destructible environments and four main characters for players to use.
Thanks so much to Hummer for the tip!
Via gameinformer