Magazine Scans of Upcoming DS Titles
The Japanese have all the DS fun don’t they? All we can do is cross our fingers that these exciting game titles will find a way to cross the Atlantic and dock on North American shores. Korean website DreamWiz has posted tons of magazine scans from extremely popular Japanese forum, 2ch.
There isn’t very much information to go on in the site, so we really couldn’t tell if this was from just one magazine or several. However, if you can read either Japanese or Korean, feel free to supply the missing words, sentences and paragraphs. Eventhough we’re all a little lost in translation, these lovely pictures from Dragon Quest Monster: Joker, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Harvest Moon, Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Custom Robo, will surely break the language barrier.
More of the scans await after the jump!
The Japanese have all the DS fun don’t they? All we can do is cross our fingers that these exciting game titles will find a way to cross the Atlantic and dock on North American shores. Korean website DreamWiz has posted tons of magazine scans from extremely popular Japanese forum, 2ch.
There isn’t very much information to go on in the site, so we really couldn’t tell if this was from just one magazine or several. However, if you can read either Japanese or Korean, feel free to supply the missing words, sentences and paragraphs. Eventhough we’re all a little lost in translation, these lovely pictures from Dragon Quest Monster: Joker, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Harvest Moon, Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Custom Robo, will surely break the language barrier.
Custom Robo
Via dreamwiz