Fake Site Brings Fake Wii News
If no news is good news. What about fake news? A site disguised as IGN and designed to fool info-starved Wii fans was sighted containing the latest details about Nintendo’s next-gen console. According to the fake site, Wii will finally be released on October 3. Its fake retail price was pegged at $219.95 (included accessories yet to be revealed.) We think this is a sign for Nintendo to crank up its Wii hype machine. The public has waited long enough and at this point will believe anything. Even fake news.
Incidentally, the fake Wii site links to the blog of the perp which carries real gaming news.
Via Wiisource
If no news is good news. What about fake news? A site disguised as IGN and designed to fool info-starved Wii fans was sighted containing the latest details about Nintendo’s next-gen console. According to the fake site, Wii will finally be released on October 3. Its fake retail price was pegged at $219.95 (included accessories yet to be revealed.) We think this is a sign for Nintendo to crank up its Wii hype machine. The public has waited long enough and at this point will believe anything. Even fake news.
Incidentally, the fake Wii site links to the blog of the perp which carries real gaming news.
Via Wiisource