Just Cause – Weapons Upgrade Video HD
Just Cause is a massively open-ended game from Eidos and Avalanche Studios. It’s massive in terms of size: the game play area is over a thousand square kilometers large. It’s massive in terms of effects: explosions, light glancing off objects under the hot sun, and what looks like pretty good motion blur on chopper blades. So, it only makes sense that we offer you this here massive video: a 22.1-something MB HD weapons upgrade video (dial-up and slow Internet users beware!).
What to expect from this video:
- It begins with “Everyone should get a chance to update arsenal…” and Latino music
- Then our man Rico Rodriguez shows how to use the pistol
- Then he blows people away with the double pistol
- And (because Yoda was wrong when he said “Size matters not”), he gets out the machine gun (the scene opens with him parachuting down to a bridge and laying down a wave of cover fire)
- Sniper rifle (hard, long, and deadly)
- Rocket launcher (harder, longer, and deadlier)
Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to watch Once Upon a Time in Mexico and polish up on our accents. Viva la Revolucion!
Download: [Just Cause Weapons Upgrade HD]
Via Game Trailers
Just Cause is a massively open-ended game from Eidos and Avalanche Studios. It’s massive in terms of size: the game play area is over a thousand square kilometers large. It’s massive in terms of effects: explosions, light glancing off objects under the hot sun, and what looks like pretty good motion blur on chopper blades. So, it only makes sense that we offer you this here massive video: a 22.1-something MB HD weapons upgrade video (dial-up and slow Internet users beware!).
What to expect from this video:
- It begins with “Everyone should get a chance to update arsenal…” and Latino music
- Then our man Rico Rodriguez shows how to use the pistol
- Then he blows people away with the double pistol
- And (because Yoda was wrong when he said “Size matters not”), he gets out the machine gun (the scene opens with him parachuting down to a bridge and laying down a wave of cover fire)
- Sniper rifle (hard, long, and deadly)
- Rocket launcher (harder, longer, and deadlier)
Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to watch Once Upon a Time in Mexico and polish up on our accents. Viva la Revolucion!
Download: [Just Cause Weapons Upgrade HD]
Via Game Trailers