Record Sounds From Your SOCOM Mic with Virtual Tape Recorder V2b
Two days and two new releases from homebrew developer, Art. Yesterday it was X-flash v15f and today we have a new application which utilizes Iteixeira‘s audio library to record input from a SOCOM microphone to create an audio file. Unlike Iteixeira’s PSP Memo Recorder, this has the ability to create an audio file on your memory stick instead of being stored in RAM and therefore is permanent. Here is what Art said about what you need to use this program:
You need a Socom headset and PSP headphone remote control dongle for this to receive microphone input. There are numerous other mods to tap a microphone input out of your remote, or find a 4 conductor 3.5mm jack, and convert your own standard PC microphone headset, or, as I have done, convert a mobile phone headset for use with the PSP.
You need at least 20Mb free on your memory stick to use this program because although the program itself is very small, a 20Mb “Reel.dat” file is be created when the program is first launched. Just plug in your Headphone remote, and Socom compatible headset and your on your way. Here’s the version history (Note: All of these were released today in succession):
Virtual Tape Recorder V2a
- Screen errors fixed.
- Fast forward and rewind can be used during playback, and are disabled during recording.
- Microphone level is adjustable.
Virtual Tape Recorder V2
- Headphone remote buttons implemented.
Virtual Tape Recorder V1
- First release.
Art is continuing to work on this application and although Virtual Tape recorder has a rather crude GUI at the moment, expect a nice, user-friendly interface to be included with future versions. Make sure you read the included ‘readme.txt’ and enjoy!
Download: [Virtual Tape Recorder V2b]
View: [Forum release thread]
Two days and two new releases from homebrew developer, Art. Yesterday it was X-flash v15f and today we have a new application which utilizes Iteixeira‘s audio library to record input from a SOCOM microphone to create an audio file. Unlike Iteixeira’s PSP Memo Recorder, this has the ability to create an audio file on your memory stick instead of being stored in RAM and therefore is permanent. Here is what Art said about what you need to use this program:
You need a Socom headset and PSP headphone remote control dongle for this to receive microphone input. There are numerous other mods to tap a microphone input out of your remote, or find a 4 conductor 3.5mm jack, and convert your own standard PC microphone headset, or, as I have done, convert a mobile phone headset for use with the PSP.
You need at least 20Mb free on your memory stick to use this program because although the program itself is very small, a 20Mb “Reel.dat” file is be created when the program is first launched. Just plug in your Headphone remote, and Socom compatible headset and your on your way. Here’s the version history (Note: All of these were released today in succession):
Virtual Tape Recorder V2a
- Screen errors fixed.
- Fast forward and rewind can be used during playback, and are disabled during recording.
- Microphone level is adjustable.
Virtual Tape Recorder V2
- Headphone remote buttons implemented.
Virtual Tape Recorder V1
- First release.
Art is continuing to work on this application and although Virtual Tape recorder has a rather crude GUI at the moment, expect a nice, user-friendly interface to be included with future versions. Make sure you read the included ‘readme.txt’ and enjoy!
Download: [Virtual Tape Recorder V2b]
View: [Forum release thread]