Lair Flying Combat video: Spot the difference


A few days ago, we showed you the TGS trailer for Factor 5‘s upcoming game for the PS3, Lair. Although we still don’t know the nitty-gritty specifics of this game, you can be sure to expect flying dragons and loads of ground battles. Reports say that it’s going to be on 1080p as well, and will make full use of the the PS3’s motion-sensitive controller.

But you can be sure that this will be one cool game. After all, this is made by the guys who brought us Star Wars: Rebel Strike, Star Wars: Rogue Leader, and Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo. The screenshots we’ve also posted pretty much speak for themselves, don’t you think?

Interestingly, the “flying combat” video that we have here is reminiscent of the TGS trailer we’ve posted earlier. So while you’re at it, maybe you can do a little “spot the difference” game as well.

Download: [Lair Flying Combat Video]


A few days ago, we showed you the TGS trailer for Factor 5‘s upcoming game for the PS3, Lair. Although we still don’t know the nitty-gritty specifics of this game, you can be sure to expect flying dragons and loads of ground battles. Reports say that it’s going to be on 1080p as well, and will make full use of the the PS3’s motion-sensitive controller.

But you can be sure that this will be one cool game. After all, this is made by the guys who brought us Star Wars: Rebel Strike, Star Wars: Rogue Leader, and Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo. The screenshots we’ve also posted pretty much speak for themselves, don’t you think?

Interestingly, the “flying combat” video that we have here is reminiscent of the TGS trailer we’ve posted earlier. So while you’re at it, maybe you can do a little “spot the difference” game as well.

Download: [Lair Flying Combat Video]

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