PS3 bashing is lightening up a bit: Eliza Gauger

White Knight!

In a very eloquent article over at Kotaku, Eliza Gauger basically claims that PS3 bashing, in all weird forms it may take (from price, to availability, to “do we actually need this all around f-n’ box?” rants) has reasonably lightened up.

Why? Well here are the factors she’s basing her claim on:

Wii’s Price – Nintendo promised that the Wii will be under $250. So based on this, it was deemed safe by teh interwub to speculate that the price range will be around $200 or so. Well, not that the price is out, there is much disappointment. You can’t really blame them. They were in essence truthful. Thing is, if they said the price will be around $250 instead, people wouldn’t have set such high hopes.

Penny Arcade – Like them or not, these guys are such a force in the industry that whenever they come up with a rant, developers cower in fear. Now that their strip basically said, “hot damn we want it” about PS3’s upcoming White Knight, people have become a bit more patient.

Sony‘s Game Trailers – Sony had such a dominating presence during the TGS, that fans were bombarded with jaw dropping trailers of games like White Knight, Devil May Cry 4, and Lair. Game critics might not be moved, citing that it’s mostly pre rendered stuff, but gamers are in effect lusting.

So, have the haters indeed quited down a bit? What do you guys think?

Via Kotaku

White Knight!

In a very eloquent article over at Kotaku, Eliza Gauger basically claims that PS3 bashing, in all weird forms it may take (from price, to availability, to “do we actually need this all around f-n’ box?” rants) has reasonably lightened up.

Why? Well here are the factors she’s basing her claim on:

Wii’s Price – Nintendo promised that the Wii will be under $250. So based on this, it was deemed safe by teh interwub to speculate that the price range will be around $200 or so. Well, not that the price is out, there is much disappointment. You can’t really blame them. They were in essence truthful. Thing is, if they said the price will be around $250 instead, people wouldn’t have set such high hopes.

Penny Arcade – Like them or not, these guys are such a force in the industry that whenever they come up with a rant, developers cower in fear. Now that their strip basically said, “hot damn we want it” about PS3’s upcoming White Knight, people have become a bit more patient.

Sony‘s Game Trailers – Sony had such a dominating presence during the TGS, that fans were bombarded with jaw dropping trailers of games like White Knight, Devil May Cry 4, and Lair. Game critics might not be moved, citing that it’s mostly pre rendered stuff, but gamers are in effect lusting.

So, have the haters indeed quited down a bit? What do you guys think?

Via Kotaku

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