Jack Thompson outlawyered by blogger
Over at Gamer Andy, George E. mentions that Jack Thompson is non-news. That being said, we’re not sure if humor would be the appropriate category to put this in, or opinions and analysis. In any case, it’s a story of Jack getting mad at gamers again.
George’s headline reads, and I quote,
“Enraged Jack Thompson Writes Press Release, Forgets It, Sues Me Eight Months Later Over Letter in a Magazine From Five Weeks Ago That Refers To His Press Release From Eight Months Ago, Something About Florida Law, and the Precious Gift of Literacy.”
The story behind it is long-winded, but here goes: George received a letter from the Florida lawyer about something the blogger sent to a magazine previously. Thompson attempted to refute those points, but George debunks them by pointing to the original press release Jack Thompson made that caused this whole fiasco to begin with.
Confusing, isn’t it?
To put it simply, Jack Thompson thinks George was a collaborator of Take-Two Interactive and helped in coordinating particular antics to mess with Thompson. Obviously, George fights back by analyzing the definitions of words (as a lawyer would do) and explaining how the entire issue is “beyond frivolity.” In the end, he says that if Thompson wants to take it to the mat, he’ll call his lawyer and they’ll do lunch… in the courtroom.
Thank goodness for people who are willing to talk things through in a rational fashion. Well… I suppose you could say “one person” in this case.
Over at Gamer Andy, George E. mentions that Jack Thompson is non-news. That being said, we’re not sure if humor would be the appropriate category to put this in, or opinions and analysis. In any case, it’s a story of Jack getting mad at gamers again.
George’s headline reads, and I quote,
“Enraged Jack Thompson Writes Press Release, Forgets It, Sues Me Eight Months Later Over Letter in a Magazine From Five Weeks Ago That Refers To His Press Release From Eight Months Ago, Something About Florida Law, and the Precious Gift of Literacy.”
The story behind it is long-winded, but here goes: George received a letter from the Florida lawyer about something the blogger sent to a magazine previously. Thompson attempted to refute those points, but George debunks them by pointing to the original press release Jack Thompson made that caused this whole fiasco to begin with.
Confusing, isn’t it?
To put it simply, Jack Thompson thinks George was a collaborator of Take-Two Interactive and helped in coordinating particular antics to mess with Thompson. Obviously, George fights back by analyzing the definitions of words (as a lawyer would do) and explaining how the entire issue is “beyond frivolity.” In the end, he says that if Thompson wants to take it to the mat, he’ll call his lawyer and they’ll do lunch… in the courtroom.
Thank goodness for people who are willing to talk things through in a rational fashion. Well… I suppose you could say “one person” in this case.