New QJ Blogs: Tabula Rasa & World of Warcraft
Yes, I know that you hardcore console folks (I’m looking at you, PSPeeps!) hate seeing this sort of stuff on your blogs, but I’m giving you warning – there’s a shameless plug ahead! But we gotta get the word out on two of our newest blogs – and not just any blogs, our first game specific blogs! We all know that MMORPG’s are big, and it’s the nature of an online beast to have lots of news, updates, patches, mods and upgrades to talk about. These new blogs have been lurking around the QJ network all this week, but it’s time to give them the proper introduction they deserve.
Okay, so that one doesn’t need much of an introduction. Everyone’s heard of a little game called World of Warcraft, right? Yeah, I thought so. It is the MMORPG of our times with millions upon millions of players wandering through the world of Azeroth every single minute of every single day. And that’s just the beginning. With the upcoming release of the Burning Crusade expansion, things are about to get even bigger. So it’s a perfect time to launch our own WoW blog to keep everyone on top of every single bit of info out there! There’s no stopping World of Warcraft from dominating the globe…
…or is there? You see, there’s this little gem of a game that’s been in the works for over 4 years from the fine folks at NCSoft and Destination Games. At the helm is Ultima Online“>Richard Garriott aka Lord British, the mastermind behind the grand-daddy of modern MMORPG’s – Ultima Online. With experience and an award winning art team on their side, Tabula Rasa hopes to wipe the slate clean and knock WoW off its high horse. With a unique crossbreeding of 3rd person RPG action with alien-blasting FPS controls and tactics, it might do just that.
TR will soon be hitting the beta stage, and we here at QJ want to be in on the ground floor of what will most likely be the next big thing in the MMORPG universe. This is the place to be if you want to keep up on all the latest news, art renders, screenshots, and developments.
So there you have it – two new blogs to check out, with some pretty snazzy sneak peaks and exclusive content on the way. And a third new blog isn’t far behind, and hopefully it will fill the obvious hole in the QJ Network when it comes to gaming news!
Yes, I know that you hardcore console folks (I’m looking at you, PSPeeps!) hate seeing this sort of stuff on your blogs, but I’m giving you warning – there’s a shameless plug ahead! But we gotta get the word out on two of our newest blogs – and not just any blogs, our first game specific blogs! We all know that MMORPG’s are big, and it’s the nature of an online beast to have lots of news, updates, patches, mods and upgrades to talk about. These new blogs have been lurking around the QJ network all this week, but it’s time to give them the proper introduction they deserve.
Okay, so that one doesn’t need much of an introduction. Everyone’s heard of a little game called World of Warcraft, right? Yeah, I thought so. It is the MMORPG of our times with millions upon millions of players wandering through the world of Azeroth every single minute of every single day. And that’s just the beginning. With the upcoming release of the Burning Crusade expansion, things are about to get even bigger. So it’s a perfect time to launch our own WoW blog to keep everyone on top of every single bit of info out there! There’s no stopping World of Warcraft from dominating the globe…
…or is there? You see, there’s this little gem of a game that’s been in the works for over 4 years from the fine folks at NCSoft and Destination Games. At the helm is Ultima Online“>Richard Garriott aka Lord British, the mastermind behind the grand-daddy of modern MMORPG’s – Ultima Online. With experience and an award winning art team on their side, Tabula Rasa hopes to wipe the slate clean and knock WoW off its high horse. With a unique crossbreeding of 3rd person RPG action with alien-blasting FPS controls and tactics, it might do just that.
TR will soon be hitting the beta stage, and we here at QJ want to be in on the ground floor of what will most likely be the next big thing in the MMORPG universe. This is the place to be if you want to keep up on all the latest news, art renders, screenshots, and developments.
So there you have it – two new blogs to check out, with some pretty snazzy sneak peaks and exclusive content on the way. And a third new blog isn’t far behind, and hopefully it will fill the obvious hole in the QJ Network when it comes to gaming news!