Justice League Heroes trailers: Martian Manhunter + Wonder Woman
More fun than a barrel full of monkeys is a game that’s a barrel full of super heroes. And what better way to play a game than to control a super hero that can morph into different things? We’re talking about none other than Justice League Heroes‘ J’onn J’onzz, a.k.a. the Martian Manhunter.
The video below has him smashing baddies left, right, and center with lamp posts and motorcycles. You can also see him morph into his default martian figure and slash enemies with his claws. For those who have seen the “Justice League” cartoon series, you might be surprised with his arsenal of super powers. Some of these shown in the vid were actually never-before-seen attacks in the cartoons.
Now, if that’s not enough for you, we’ve included a download link for Wonder Woman’s gameplay trailer. She’s walking around a factory and lassoing frozen robots in an Amazon’s rage. There’s even a short clip where she does some sort of screwdriver attack that would shame M. Bison of Street Fighter. Click the link below to watch Diana rough up the baddies.
Download: [Wonder Woman gameplay trailer]
More fun than a barrel full of monkeys is a game that’s a barrel full of super heroes. And what better way to play a game than to control a super hero that can morph into different things? We’re talking about none other than Justice League Heroes‘ J’onn J’onzz, a.k.a. the Martian Manhunter.
The video below has him smashing baddies left, right, and center with lamp posts and motorcycles. You can also see him morph into his default martian figure and slash enemies with his claws. For those who have seen the “Justice League” cartoon series, you might be surprised with his arsenal of super powers. Some of these shown in the vid were actually never-before-seen attacks in the cartoons.
Now, if that’s not enough for you, we’ve included a download link for Wonder Woman’s gameplay trailer. She’s walking around a factory and lassoing frozen robots in an Amazon’s rage. There’s even a short clip where she does some sort of screwdriver attack that would shame M. Bison of Street Fighter. Click the link below to watch Diana rough up the baddies.
Download: [Wonder Woman gameplay trailer]