Mario Don’t Drop the PSP V3 (halloween edition)


QJ reader DreaDNoughT left this message in our mailbox today:

i know it’s a bit late to post something related to Halloween.. but we swedes celebrate it today.. anyway kevin and i decided to make mddp a little more Halloween related and i made some small bugfixes to it.. so now the psp doesn’t slow down when u change the direction Mario is facing

So, we downloaded the game. We loaded it into our PSP. We played for a bit. Enjoyed ourselves. Had some fun. Took some screens, and now we’re posting it here for everyone else to download. All in a day’s fun…er, we mean work. He he.

The controls are easy. Left and right move Mario across the screen. X makes Mario jump. Also be sure that you, just like the game title says, don’t drop the PSP… or else…

MDDPSP - Image 1 MDDPSP - Image 2 

Nice work DreaDNoughT! Keep those updates coming.

Download: [Mario Don’t Drop the PSP V3 (Halloween edition)]


QJ reader DreaDNoughT left this message in our mailbox today:

i know it’s a bit late to post something related to Halloween.. but we swedes celebrate it today.. anyway kevin and i decided to make mddp a little more Halloween related and i made some small bugfixes to it.. so now the psp doesn’t slow down when u change the direction Mario is facing

So, we downloaded the game. We loaded it into our PSP. We played for a bit. Enjoyed ourselves. Had some fun. Took some screens, and now we’re posting it here for everyone else to download. All in a day’s fun…er, we mean work. He he.

The controls are easy. Left and right move Mario across the screen. X makes Mario jump. Also be sure that you, just like the game title says, don’t drop the PSP… or else…

MDDPSP - Image 1 MDDPSP - Image 2 

Nice work DreaDNoughT! Keep those updates coming.

Download: [Mario Don’t Drop the PSP V3 (Halloween edition)]

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