NesterJ NES Emulator For PSP v0.81 Released
Ruka has released his new version of the NesterJ NES emulator for the PSP, v0.80. This newest version now includes a save feature, as well as new config menus for graphics, sound, color, key, and preferences. There is also a speed mode option to select up to 80 FPS. Thanks to Ruka for a fine new release.
You can get this file in our PSP downloads section here. (*Update: now 0.81, includes bugfixes)
Thanks to zerox for the news and translation!!
Ruka has released his new version of the NesterJ NES emulator for the PSP, v0.80. This newest version now includes a save feature, as well as new config menus for graphics, sound, color, key, and preferences. There is also a speed mode option to select up to 80 FPS. Thanks to Ruka for a fine new release.
You can get this file in our PSP downloads section here. (*Update: now 0.81, includes bugfixes)
Thanks to zerox for the news and translation!!